Exam Fear

Exam Fear

Exam fear

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In a country like India, exams aren’t seen as just exams. From your parents to neighbours to relatives to your relative’s neighbours, everyone gets involved! It is made to seem like the only difference between life and death. Thus resulting in unnecessary pressure, fear and stress, hindering your performance. If you are looking for ways to deal with this, you are in the right place.

Here are a few tips to help you deal with exam fear:

  • Stick To A Time Table
  • A well designed time table can go a long way in helping you know what exactly is to be done every day, leaving less scope for procrastination. This helps you divide your work into portions for each day so that you have a clear picture of what is to be done. This clarity can help you reduce a lot of stress and fear when it comes to preparation.

  • Take Breaks In Between
  • Take short breaks regularly in order to maintain productivity and ensure that you don’t face a burnout. Relax, have a healthy snack, take a walk or maybe exercise a little. Taking breaks in between can help you make the best use of the time you actually spend on studying, without making you too tired or stressed out.

  • Prepare Flow Charts
  • Try depicting parts of your notes in the form of flow charts. It is easier for brains to remember things that are in the form of pictures and flowcharts. Add a little creativity and color to your exam preparation for some fun and fruitful studying experience.

  • Accommodate Multiple Revisions
  • This one cannot be stressed enough. The biggest cause of stress during exams is not completing the portion on time. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that you start early and finish the syllabus way ahead of time. Thus giving yourself time to revise many times over.

  • Take Mock Tests
  • Once you have completed a few revisions, taking a mock test can help you get a clear picture of where you stand in terms of your preparation. You will also have an understanding of what kind of questions you will have to face and how to better manage your time.

  • Get Enough Sleep
  • Getting proper rest is important for the body to function at its best. Skipping on sleeping time to accommodate more study hours is not really a wise move. It is mandatory for students to have about 6-7 hours of sleep every day. This gives your brain adequate rest and helps it retain more information.

  • Have A Balanced Meal
  • Students often tend to skip meals during their exams hoping to save some time. However, this causes way more harm than good. In fact, this is one of the worst things you can do. A balanced meal with essential nutrients is a must for a healthy mind and body that will help you stay focused while studying.

  • Stop Comparison
  • It is pointless to compare your preparation with someone else’s because everyone has a different way of learning, understanding and perceiving things. We are all walking our own journeys. Therefore, stressing out seeing that your friend has covered more of the portion than you, is not something you should be doing, instead just focus on yourself.

  • Try Out Group Study
  • This one may not be for everyone, but there is no harm in trying it out. Engaging in group study can help you relieve a lot of stress and anxiety. Turning studies into a group activity and helping each other overcome their shortcomings is an effective way to deal with exam fear.

  • Practice Meditation
  • In some cases, students experience fear and anxiety that cannot be reduced even after following all the above steps. In such a case, meditation is your best option. It will help you clear your unwanted thoughts and stay focused on your goals. Meditate for at least 10-15 minutes a day and you will be surprised by how much it can improve your life.

A quick trip through a few other tricks to beat the exam fever:

  • Eat Chocolates – They are known to boost mood and soothe your soul.

  • Take a shower with warm water to relieve stress.

  • Do something which you like. It can be anything from dancing putting on the music to baking, or just eating your favorite cuisine.

  • Sleep is indeed the need of the hour. Never underestimate the power or a nap and A good night sleep during the exam.

  • Stay away from people who spill venom and negativity. Especially the one who are trying to remember equations and formulae until the last minute.

  • Manage your time well.

  • Avoid post-mortem of exam paper post the examination.

  • Be confident.

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