- Unit 1 Introduction to cloud computing
- What is Cloud Computing?
- How does cloud computing work?
- What is the History of Cloud Computing?
- What cloud computing services are available?
- How important is the cloud?
- Cloud Computing Benefits
- Advantages of Cloud Computing
- Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
- Examples of Cloud Computing
- Why is it called Cloud Computing?
- What is cloud computing adoption doing to IT spending plans?
- How would you fabricate a business case for cloud computing?
- Unit 2 Business Value
- Introduction
- Using Clouds in Business
- Clouds Business Benefits
- Unit 3 Inside Cloud Computing and Device Administration
- Inside Cloud Computing and Device administration
- Based on Deployment model
- Internal Cloud Vs External Cloud
- Cloud Administrator
- Cloud Admin portal
- Service level management for Cloud Management
- Administrator Role
- Charging Administrator
- Global Administrator
- Password Administrator
- Service Administrator
- Client Management Administrator
- Unit 4 Cloud computing technology
- Introduction
- Virtualization
- Types of Virtualization
- Hardware Virtualization
- Operating System Virtualization
- Server Virtualization
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Grid Computing
- Utility Computing
- Unit 5 Accessing the cloud
- Identity and Access Management
- Why IAM is Important?
- IAM Benefits
- Access Management
- Unit 6 Data Management
- Cloud Data Management
- Advantages of Cloud Data Management
- Cloud Data Management Challenges
- Unit 7 Information Storage in Cloud Computing Cloud Storage
- Cloud storage
- Advantages and Benefits of Cloud Storage
- Disadvantages Of cloud Storage
- Types of cloud storage
- Open Cloud Storage
- Private Cloud Storage
- Cloud Storage Characteristics
- Benefits of Cloud Storage
- Drawbacks of Cloud Storage
- Cloud Storage Considerations
- Unit 8 Discovery of Private and Hybrid
- Private Cloud
- The Public Cloud
- The Hybrid Cloud
- Unit 9 Cloud Computing Standards
- Cloud Computing Standards
- Avoiding Vendor Lock-In
- Five steps to avoid vendor lock-in
- Use Cases
- Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
- Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)
- Characteristics of PaaS service model
- Software-as-a-service (SaaS)
- Recommendations
- Unit 10 Desktop and device management
- Desktop and Mobile Device Management
- Some Aspects of MDM in Cloud Computing
- Cloud Automation
- Unit 11 Cloud Governance
- Rules of Governance
- Basic phases of cloud governance
- Elements of Cloud Governance
- Cloud Governance Automation Software
- Security Strategies
- Unit 12 Migrating to the Cloud
- Migrating to the Cloud
- Benefits of Cloud Migration
- Cloud Migration Strategy
- Elements of a Cloud Migration Plan
- Cloud Migration Costs
- Cloud Migration Risks

Course Code AIL205
Duration 40 Hour
Cloud Computing
Online & Offline
Course Fees 39000 /-
Online Offer 20000 /-