There are number of reasons behind studying Accounting. Accounting provides you with skills and knowledge that can be applied to a number of organizations. In this course, you will learn how to focus on money management, financial recording and reporting, and the best processes to save cash for a business or sole traders. This course starts with the basic accounting skills, like how to make financial statements and adjust them. The course will also give you a practical approach to how to bookkeep credits and debits. After that more advanced topics like, how to calculate depreciation on fixed assets, how to calculate inventory costs flow, how to understand merchandising transactions will also be discussed. In this course you will acquire knowledge about the laws that govern business, typical business administration schemes, and the ethics of accountancy, statistics, and accounting theory. You will be trained how to prepare the key documents that will involve business proposals and financial statements etc.
- Introduction to Accounting
- Theory Base of Accounting
- Accounting Process
- Preparation of Ledger and Trial Balance
- Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves
- Accounting for Bills of Exchange
- Rectification of Errors
- Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship
- Accounting for Partnership Firms
- Analysis of Financial Statements

Course Code CC00026
Duration 80 Hour
Financial Accounting
Online & Offline
Course Fees 26000 /-
Online Offer 15000 /-