Network Security

Network Security


Network security comprises of the strategies, cycles and practices embraced to forestall, recognize and screen unapproved access, abuse, alteration, or disavowal of a PC organization and organization open assets.


  • Unit-1 Introduction to Network Security
    • Attacks, Services and Mechanisms
    • Security Attacks
    • Security Services
    • Integrity check
    • Digital Signature
    • Authentication.
  • Unit-2 Secret Key Cryptography
    • Block Encryption
    • DES rounds
    • S-Boxes
    • IDEA: Overview
    • Comparison with DES
    • Key expansion
    • IDEA rounds
    • Uses of Secret key Cryptography.
  • Unit-3 Hash Functions and Message Digests
    • Length of hash
    • Uses of hash algorithm
    • Algorithms (MD2, MD4,MD5,SHS).
  • Unit-4 Public key Cryptography
    • Algorithms
    • Examples, Modular arithmetic (addition, multiplication, inverseand exponentiation)
    • RSA: generating keys
    • Encryption and decryption
    • Other Algorithm i.e. Diffie-Hellman.
  • Unit-5 Authentication
    • Password Based, Address Based, Cryptographic Authentication. Passwords in
    • Distributed systems, on -line vs. off -line guessing, storing.
    • Cryptographic Authentication: passwords as keys, protocols, KDC’s Certification
    • Revocation, Inter-domain, groups, delegation. Authentication of People: Verification techniques, passwords, length of passwords, password distribution, smart cards, biometrics.
  • Unit-6 Security Policies and Security Handshake Pitfalls
    • What is security policy, high and low level policy, user issues.
    • Protocol problems, assumptions, Shared secret protocols, public key protocols.
    • mutual authentication, reflection attacks, use of timestamps,
    • session keys, one-and two-way public key based authentication
  • Unit-7 Example System
    • Kerberos: purpose, authentication, server and ticket granting server, keys and
    • Tickets, use of AS and TGS, replicated servers. Kerberos V4: names, inter-realm
    • forwarding and proxies, ticket lifetimes, revoking tickets, multiple Realms
  • Unit-8 Network Security
    • Electronic mail security, IP security, Network management security.
  • Unit-9 Security for electronic commerce
    • SSL, SET
  • Unit-10 System Security
    • Intruders and Viruses, Firewalls, Intrusion Detection
Network Security

Course Code CC00021

Duration 50 Hour

Network Security

Online & Offline

Course Fees 19500 /-

Online Offer 10000 /-