There is no prerequisite intrinsically for learning this language. It is generally recommended for people that have a basic background in databases, source codes, basic programming languages, text editor, program execution. Once selected as a developer you also will be required to research on the results for providing solutions, suggestions to the customers, and document creation. Once you select to choose your careers in PL/SQL, your job as a developer is going to be to write down SQL based queries so that the performance of the database are often improved significantly.
- Introduction – Database
- Retrieve Data using the SQL SELECT Statement
- Learn to Restrict and Sort Data
- Usage of Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
- Invoke Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions
- Aggregate Data Using the Group Functions
- Display Data from Multiple Tables Using Joins
- Use Sub – queries and Set Operators
- Use of DDL and DML Statements
- Other Schema Objects and Control User Access
- Management of Schema Object
- Manage Objects with Data Dictionary Views
- Manipulate Large Data Sets
- PL/SQL -Identifiers
- Write Execute Statements
- Control Structures
- Composite Data Types
- Explicit Cursors
- Exception Handling
- Stored Procedures and Functions
- Packages
- Dynamic SQL – Design for PL/SQL Code
- Triggers
- Create Compound, DDL, Event Database Triggers
- PL/SQL Compiler

Course Code CC00008
Duration 40 Hour
Online & Offline
Course Fees 11500 /-
Online Offer 5000 /-